WRWP logo wide
WRWP logo wide

  Protecting the White River in Michigan's Newago, Oceana and Muskegon Counties since 1995.



  • February Board of Directors Meeting, Thursday, February 27, 2025, 6:00 p.m. by Zoom.
  • March Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, March 27, 2025, 6:00 p.m. by Zoom

WRWP Board of Directors meet monthly starting at 6 pm eastern on the fourth Thursday of the month.  The meetings are conducted by ZOOM.  These meetings are open to all members and guests.  For the link to join, send an email to raymondschinler@gmail.com.

UPDATES Chronicle of what's happening in the White River Watershed

Temperature and Macroinvertebrate Sampling Sites

Water Quality Chart
Water Quality Chart


On September 21, a beautiful Saturday, fourteen volunteers sampled the White River.  It must be the most enjoyable means of evaluating the health of our watershed.

After meeting up at Kropscott Farm Environmental Center -- again, thank you Newaygo Conservation District -- four teams headed to particular stretches of the river, donned their waders and netted these tiny aquatic animals from leaf packs, overhanging banks, and in the riffles, runs and pools.

 With their treasure in plastic pales, the collectors returned to Kropscott to sort.  Even the youngest, a grade schooler, peered through headband magnifying glasses as she nabbed the critters squirming and darting about her corner of the large white sorting tray.  "It's a Caddisfly.  Look at its sandy house."

For even returning volunteers, some well versed in this curious world of Stoneflies and Mayflies, their time spent with tweezers and eye droppers is perfect for discussing all things White River.  "Did you notice how low the water levels were?"  "Could it be the long spell with no rain?"  "Maybe the hot days extending into September?"  "Could it be a drop in ground water?"  "Anybody else notice other Artesian wells," common along the riverbanks, "spitting air?"

If you're curious, plan on joining us next May when we do it again.  Watch this site, follow us on Facebook, and consider becoming a member.  You'll get the bug!

The results of the pleasant Fall day will go up on the MiCorps data exchange once our resident expert (and fly tying aficionado) completes the detailed count of each type of macroinvertebrate we've captured.

Recent Macroinvertebrate Sampling Results

      Welcome! Travel around this site to learn about who we are, what we do, why we do it, and how you can get involved. 
The White River rises from its headwaters deep in Newago County, flowing through streams and tributaries, finding its
way to the mouth of White Lake, and on to the end of its journey into Lake Michigan.  Discover more about this
remarkable, precious natural resource, and what you can do to preserve, protect and enjoy it!

Wondering why the Watershed is important?  Take a look!

copy59_Main Branch at Taylor Landing
  • copy59_Main Branch at Taylor Landing
  • Spring 2017-11
  • Red Breasted Merganser
  • Brayton x 200th Ave winter 2017
  • Spring 2017-18
  • Blue Flag Iris
  • Spring 2017-9 (2)
  • Spring 2017-16
  • Spring 2017-8
  • Main Br above Taylor Bridge - 2
  • Spring 2017-10
  • Barred owl
  • White Winged Scoter
  • Spring 2017-4
  • Spring 2017-22
  • Main Br above Taylor Bridge winter 2017
  • Spring 2017-13
  • Muskrat
  • Two Mile Creek
  • Spring 2017-21
  • Giant Swallowtail
  • Queen snake
  • WR Hesperia 2
  • Wild turkey
  • Pink Lady Slippers
  • copy13_WRWP web photo (2)
  • Spring Flooding Cobmoosa Creek
  • Mourning cloak
  • copy57_WR Hesperia
  • Sparrow nestlings - Copy
  • copy42_WR Hesperia 3
  • 20170410_102941

           How's My Waterway:

           A Tool for Exploring Your Water Quality

      How's My Waterway provides information to the public about the condition of their local waters. 
     Collecting information from eight EPA databases, including contributions from states, federal, tribal
     and local agencies, HMW provides a comprehensive overview of water quality across the United States
     at the community, state and national levels.

     HMW can help users:
     *  explore information about their drinking water and local stream conditions
     *  determine whether local waterways are suitable for swimming or consuming fish caught in those               waters, and whether they support aquatic life
     *  discover if their waterways are being monitored for contaminants and the location of any local
         monitoring stations
     *  learn about other issues affecting their waterways, including restoration and protection efforts,
         impairments to water and discharge violations into local streams and rivers

    Click the White River Light Station for real-time views of White Lake Channel and Lake Michigan. The webcam is maintained courtesy of White Lake Association.

    Don't head out to swim, fish or boat before checking the forecast! Click the waves for instant access to weather conditions at the White River Light Station.

    You can learn the water levels on the lower White, just above Whitehall, by clicking on the ruler.  This service is courtesy of US Geological Service.

                                          Visit our
 Science Corner
 for links to the Aquatic
 Invasive Species Watch
 List, both plants and

   You can also find
 information there about
 the White's watershed
 management plan, maps
 and other resources.